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Embrace your mistakes
“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Mistakes are inevitable. As soon as we can walk, we learn to trip; as soon as we run we learn to fall and throughout our lives it’s impossible to avoid doing things wrong, despite our best intentions, whether they’re small or big, mistakes are part of life, we cant avoid them. What we can do, however, is stop ourselves from dwelling on them.
It might seem easier to completely give up and hide when you keep making the wrong choices and life starts to feel like a series of unfortunate events. We’ve all had the thought that by stopping all together we won’t get things wrong. But there’s another option, and it’s much easier than you’d think: turn your mistakes into advantages.
Here at Synergy Jewellery, this couldn’t be more true. When designing our new collection back on 2015 Clover was at a loss. Every idea she had ended up being discarded, leaving scribbles and doodles scrawled across her notebooks. Nothing felt quite right. Feeling stressed and hopeless, she was looking through a book for inspiration, when something caught her eye.
A small flower in her coloring book was strikingly similar to one of her doodles. After digging back through her piles of failed attempts, she found it, along with a vision for her newest design. Drawing it again, with a few tweaks, it all came together with perfect clarity. A few drafts later, she had the Synergy Zen Flower Bangle.
Little did she know that one of her mistakes would grow into one of Synergy’s bestsellers. It was the first item to sell through that season, introducing a whole new variety of people to the brand, and inspired many with it’s peaceful, mindful qualities, and it had been buried under failed attempts all along!
So, next time you make a mistake, don’t panic. Instead, embrace it. After all, you never know what could happen because of it.
Maybe there is no such thing as a mistake? How have you turned negative situations into a positive one?
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